1. Date functions
2. get the difference between two dates in dynamics ax just convert the dates into numbers and subtract one from the other. The result would be the amount of days between these dates.
3.Print today date .
4. Retrieve system date and time
5. Validating 2 date fields in AX
6) How to calculate the total number of weeks, weekends or count of sundays in a given date interval
7. All Date functions in AX 2012
8. Get Working Days in AX
9. Get Join Date based on Time zone
10. Deep Dive for str2Date
11. Conversions between datetime to date and vice versa.
7. All Date functions in AX 2012
8. Get Working Days in AX
9. Get Join Date based on Time zone
10. Deep Dive for str2Date
11. Conversions between datetime to date and vice versa.
Some Important date functions in AX
Dayname: Retrieves the name of the day of the week specified by a number.
wkofyr : Calculates the week of the year in which a date falls
mthofyr: Retrieves the number of the month in the year for the specified date.
mthname : Retrieves the name of the specified month
mkdate : Creates a date based on three integers, which indicate the day, month, and year, respectively.
dayofmth: Retrieves the day of the specified date.
dayofyr: Retrieves the day of the specified date.
year: Get year from date
dayofwk: Calculates the day of the week for a date.
prevmth: Retrieves the date in the previous month that corresponds most closely to the specified date.
prevyr: Retrieves the date in the previous year that corresponds most closely to the specified date.
prevqtr: Retrieves the date in the previous quarter that corresponds most closely to the specified date.
Today: Retrieves the current date on the system.
1.Date Functions :
static void date_Functions(Args _args)
Transdate d;
d = today();
info(strfmt("Date - %1",d));
//Gets the month for the given date...
info(strfmt("Month - %1",mthofYr(d)));
//Gets the month name from the given date...
info(strfmt("Month Name - %1",mthname(mthofYr(d))));
//Gets the day for the given date...
info(strfmt("Day - %1",dayOfMth(d)));
//Gets the day name from the given date...
info(strfmt("Day Name - %1",dayname(dayOfMth(d))));
//Gets the year for the given date...
info(strfmt("Year - %1",year(d)));
//Gets the current weekday number from the date...
info(strfmt("Weekday number - %1",dayOfwk(d)));
//Gets the day of the year from the given date...
info(strfmt("Day of year - %1",dayOfyr(d)));
//Gets the week of the year from the given date...
info(strfmt("Week of the year - %1",wkofyr(d)));
Transdate d;
d = today();
info(strfmt("Date - %1",d));
//Gets the month for the given date...
info(strfmt("Month - %1",mthofYr(d)));
//Gets the month name from the given date...
info(strfmt("Month Name - %1",mthname(mthofYr(d))));
//Gets the day for the given date...
info(strfmt("Day - %1",dayOfMth(d)));
//Gets the day name from the given date...
info(strfmt("Day Name - %1",dayname(dayOfMth(d))));
//Gets the year for the given date...
info(strfmt("Year - %1",year(d)));
//Gets the current weekday number from the date...
info(strfmt("Weekday number - %1",dayOfwk(d)));
//Gets the day of the year from the given date...
info(strfmt("Day of year - %1",dayOfyr(d)));
//Gets the week of the year from the given date...
info(strfmt("Week of the year - %1",wkofyr(d)));
2. get the difference between two dates in dynamics ax just convert the
dates into numbers and subtract one from the other. The result would be
the amount of days between these dates.a) today() - mkdate(31,01,2011) ;
days = date2num(Date123) - date2num(Date234);
TblName.FieldName= date2num(today()) - date2num(AnotherTblName.DatefeildName);
b) To get the difference between two DateTime Values just use the DateTimeUtil Class. The result is the difference in seconds. So just divide these through #secondsPerDay and you'll get the days
days = DateTimeutil::getDifference(DateTime123, DateTime234) / #secondsPerDay;
c)date2num(systemdateget()) - date2num(;
static void DateDiff(Args _args)
TransDate d1,d2;
int daysdiff;
d1 = 31\12\2010;
d2 = today();
daysDiff = d2 - d1;
Creates a date based on three integers, which indicate the day, month, and year, respectively.
date mkDate(int day, int month, int year)Example
static void mkDateExample(Args _arg) { date d; ; // Returns the date 01\01\2005. d = mkDate(1, 1, 2005); print d; pause; }
Date Difference :
c = DateTimeUtil::getDifference(_CaseDetailBase.ClosedDateTime,
CaseTimeTmp.TotalTime = c/(24*60*60);
3. To print today's date :
date d;
d = today();
4. Retrieving/Getting System Date and Time in Dynamics AX :
TableName.FieldName= DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
StringEditName = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
5. Validating two date fields in AX :
1.Create two fields as UtcDateTimeEdit of table TableName
2.Name it InTime and OutTime.
3.In the init() of that datasource or form depends on requirements.
TableName.InTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
TableName.OutTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
//here making the system date and time to the that field.
3.Override the modified method by modified each of the fields.
public boolean modified()
boolean ret;
ret = super();
if(SMAServiceOrderTable.InTime > SMAServiceOrderTable.OutTime)
warning("In time cannot be greater than Out time");
SMAServiceOrderTable.InTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
SMAServiceOrderTable.OutTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
return ret;
2.Name it InTime and OutTime.

TableName.InTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
TableName.OutTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
//here making the system date and time to the that field.
3.Override the modified method by modified each of the fields.
public boolean modified()
boolean ret;
ret = super();
if(SMAServiceOrderTable.InTime > SMAServiceOrderTable.OutTime)
warning("In time cannot be greater than Out time");
SMAServiceOrderTable.InTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
SMAServiceOrderTable.OutTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
return ret;
6) How to Calculate the total number of weeks,weekends or count of Sundays in a given date interval..
static void calcDays(Args _args)
FromDate fromDate = today();
ToDate toDate = mkdate(31,01,2011);
WeekDays weekDay = WeekDays::Sunday; // the day we search after
int days;
int cntSpecDay;
int leadIn;
int leadOut;
days = fromDate - toDate; // days difference
//Calculate the No.Of weeks in given Date Intervals
leadIn = any2int(fromDate - toDate) /7;
cntSpecDay = days / 7; // how many sundays in complete weeks
if (dayOfWk(fromDate) <= weekDay)
cntSpecDay++; // the day we search is in lead in week
if (dayOfWk(toDate) >= weekDay)
cntSpecDay++; // the day we search is in lead out week
info(strfmt("%1 is %2 times embedded between %3 and %4", weekDay,cntSpecDay, fromDate, toDate));
print days;
print leadIn;
Out put:
786== Days
112== Weeks
Sunday is 113 times embedded between 3/27/2013 and 1/31/2011
FromDate fromDate = today();
ToDate toDate = mkdate(31,01,2011);
WeekDays weekDay = WeekDays::Sunday; // the day we search after
int days;
int cntSpecDay;
int leadIn;
int leadOut;
days = fromDate - toDate; // days difference
//Calculate the No.Of weeks in given Date Intervals
leadIn = any2int(fromDate - toDate) /7;
cntSpecDay = days / 7; // how many sundays in complete weeks
if (dayOfWk(fromDate) <= weekDay)
cntSpecDay++; // the day we search is in lead in week
if (dayOfWk(toDate) >= weekDay)
cntSpecDay++; // the day we search is in lead out week
info(strfmt("%1 is %2 times embedded between %3 and %4", weekDay,cntSpecDay, fromDate, toDate));
print days;
print leadIn;
Out put:
786== Days
112== Weeks
Sunday is 113 times embedded between 3/27/2013 and 1/31/2011
7. All Date Functions in AX 2012
Dates :
Date d= prevYr(datefrom);
Date : dayOfMth(systemdateget())
month from date : mthOfYr(systemdateget())
Year from date : year(systemdateget())
Start of month : DateStartMth(today());
End of month : endmth(today())
//Difference of dates in Data, Month, year
Day = intvNo(_to, joindate, intvScale::Day);
month = intvNo(_to, joindate, intvScale::Month);
years = intvNo(_to, joindate, intvScale::Year);
//UTCdatetime to DATE formate
utcDateTime validateDate;
validateDate = DateTimeUtil::addDays(validateDate, 5);
//To compare date only from utcdatetime until
if ( DateTimeUtil::date(validateDate) == DateTimeUtil::date(HcmPositionWorkerAssignment.ValidTo))
//converting Date to UTC date time
DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(today(), 0, DateTimeUtil::getCompanyTimeZone());
//Converting datetime strning to UTCDate time
dateTime = str2datetime(“24.12.2011 12:01:59″, 123);
dateTime = str2datetime( “2011/02/25 23:04:59″ ,321 );
dateTime = str2datetime( “Feb-2011-25 11:04:59 pm” ,231 );
dateTime = str2datetime( “2 25 2011 11:04:59 pm” ,123 );
The sequence 123 describes the position of day (1), month (2), year (3).
8, Getting Working days in AX
Below is the sample code to get the working days based on the start date and end get it based on each legal entity wise in ax 2012, we need to setup the working days template in : YEU/Organization administration/Common/Calendars/working time templates and setup the same for each company in YEU/Organization administration/Common/Calendars/Period templates//Holiday listselect count(RecId) from leaveData where leaveData.HolidayDate <= Mzk_LeaveHistory.StartDate && leaveData.HolidayDate >= Mzk_LeaveHistory.EndDate; { countrecid = any2int(leaveData.RecId); }//Working days for(i=sdate; i<= edate; i++) { select count(RecId) from line where line.dataAreaId == curext() && line.WeekDay == dayOfWk(i);=============================================================================if(line.RecId) { P = P+1; } }=====================================================================9, Get Join Date based on Time Zonewe recently came across one issues on getting date from database, in Ax 2012 the data time concept is introduced for the more active storing of data. when are try to get the join date for the employee through x++ code, we will get the date as per the central time zone stored in data base.To get it based on the user preferred time zone use below sample code:JoinDateEmpl = DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset( hcmEmployment::findByWorker(_worker).ValidFrom, DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone());
Hijri calendar conversion
static str NormaltoHijriDate(date _transDate) { TransDate dt; int HijriDt; int HijriMonth; str Yr,finaldate; int findate; CalendarConverter CalendarConverter; str Hijridat,HijriMnth,HijriYr; ; dt = _transDate; CalendarConverter = new CalendarConverter(PreferredCalendar::Hijri); HijriDt = CalendarConverter.dayofmth(dt); HijriMonth = CalendarConverter.mthofyr(dt); Yr = CalendarConverter.yearStr(dt); Hijridat = int2str(HijriDt); HijriMnth = int2str(HijriMonth); HijriYr = subStr(Yr,1,5);// Sub string is taken as i want to return only two digits of year you write as subStr(Yr,3,5); //finaldate = HijriYr+" " +HijriMnth+" " +Hijridat; finaldate = Hijridat+"-"+HijriMnth+"-"+HijriYr; return finaldate; }
Georgian date to hijri date conversion:
Georgian date to hijri date conversion:
Before that you have to write the new method in global class and call the this method through global class
static void Job15(Args _args)
date d;
str a,k;
str b;
/*a= date2str(d,321,DateDay::Digits2,
DateSeparator::Hyphen, // separator1
DateSeparator::Hyphen, // separator2
b= Global::NormaltoHijriDate(d);
print b;
Main code which you have to write new method in global class as:
static str NormaltoHijriDate(date _transDate)
TransDate dt;
int HijriDt;
int HijriMonth;
str Yr,finaldate;
int findate;
CalendarConverter CalendarConverter;
str Hijridat,HijriMnth,HijriYr;
dt = _transDate;
CalendarConverter = new CalendarConverter(PreferredCalendar::Hijri);
HijriDt = CalendarConverter.dayofmth(dt);
HijriMonth = CalendarConverter.mthofyr(dt);
Yr = CalendarConverter.yearStr(dt);
Hijridat = int2str(HijriDt);
HijriMnth = int2str(HijriMonth);
HijriYr = subStr(Yr,1,5);// Sub string is taken as i want to return only two digits of year you write as subStr(Yr,3,5);
//finaldate = HijriYr+" " +HijriMnth+" " +Hijridat;
finaldate = Hijridat+"/"+HijriMnth+"/"+HijriYr;
return finaldate;
Date2str function:
1) strFmt("%1", myDate)) 2) date2Str(dateType, 123, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1) this will use the users regional settings which can be different between users. 3) Most flexible way date2Str(dateType, 123, DateDay::Digits2, DateSeparator::Slash, DateMonth::Digits2, DateSeparator::Slash, DateYear::Digits4), change the enum values to your preferred format. Have a look here:
void DateTStringConvert()
date today=today();
str TodayDate;
TodayDate = date2str( today,321,DateDay::Digits2,DateSeparator::Slash,DateMonth::Digits2,DateSeparator::Slash,DateYear::Digits4);
info(TodayDate );
Note :
The function date2str take following parameters :
1- the date .
2- the date style dmy or ymd or....etc .
3- number of digits for day .
4- separator
5- number of digits for month.
6- separator
7- number of digits for year.
now you can use the date as string
static void date2StrExample(Args _arg) { date d = today(); str s; ; s = date2Str(d, 123, 2, -1, 2, -1, 2); print "Today's date is " + s; pause; }
To find Difference b/w Two dates in Days, Months, Years :date d = 08\05\1980;date d1 = 30\05\2013;int diff; int permissionyr, permissionmth;;diff = dayOfMth(d1) - dayOfMth(d);permissionyr = year(d1) - year(d);permissionmth = mthOfYr(d1) - mthOfYr(d);info(strFmt("%1",diff)); info(strFmt("%1",permissionyr)); info(strFmt("%1",permissionmth));To calculate second saturday :static void Job27(Args _args){TransDate postingday=today();TransDate FirofMonth;int strt,end,dayofweek;date reportingon; date d = 29\06\2013;;FirofMonth=DateStartMth(postingday);dayofweek =dayOfWk(FirofMonth);strt = 8-dayofweek; end =strt + 7;if( dayOfWk(d) == WeekDays::Friday && (dayOfMth(d)>= strt && dayOfMth(d)<= end))// WeekDays::Friday && WeekOfMonth::Second)//( dayOfWk(d)>=strt && dayOfWk(d)<=end)){reportingon = d + 1;}else if(dayOfWk(d)== WeekDays::Friday)//dayName(5)) { reportingon = (d + 3); }info(strFmt("%1",reportingon));// info(strFmt("%1",TransDate));// info(strFmt("%1",FirstOfMth));// info(strFmt("%1",dayOfWk(FirstOfMth)));// info(strFmt("%1",dayofweek)); //// info(strFmt("%1",strt));// info(strFmt("%1",end)); }To print months between dates given :static void MonthBetweenDates(Args _args){ int startmonthnumber,EndMonthNumber;int StartYear,EndYear,i,y; int month,yr,date2;date startdate,enddate,nextDate; int totalmonth;;startdate = 06\05\2012;enddate = 06\04\2013;startmonthnumber = mthofyr(startdate);EndMonthNumber = mthOfYr(enddate);StartYear = year(startdate);EndYear = year(enddate);while(startdate <= enddate){info(strFmt("%1",mthName(mthOfYr(startdate)))); startdate = nextMth(startdate);}}================================================================================Calculate Date Displacements for 3 different period Units
static void DateDiffA(Args _args)
date TransDate;
TransDate Calcdate(date startDate,
Periods periodQty,
PeriodUnit periodUnit)
TransDateTime TransDateTime=DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(startDate,0);
switch (periodUnit)
case PeriodUnit::Day:
return any2date(DateTimeUtil::addDays(TransDateTime,periodQty));
case PeriodUnit::Month:
return any2date(DateTimeUtil::addMonths(TransDateTime,periodQty));
case PeriodUnit::Year:
return any2date(DateTimeUtil::addYears(TransDateTime,periodQty));
throw error(Error::wrongUseOfFunction(funcname()));
info(strfmt('The calculated date is %1',date2str(TransDate,123,2,2,2,2,4)));
Get Date before few months :
static void Job26(Args _args)
TransDate i,now = today();
i = DateTimeUtil::Date(DateTimeUtil::addMonths(DateTimeUtil::newDateTime(now, 0, DateTimeUtil::getCompanyTimeZone()),-6));
AX X++ str2Date function
From time to time, a user will need to pull a date from a string. More often than not it is from an XML or from some other location. In order to actually use this date passed, it needs to be of data type 'date' so it can be written to fields, used in queries etc. To do this, a user can use the 'str2Date' function. The str2Date function takes two parameters:
If the sequence doesn't match the string or has an error, a '0' will result. Note that its very important to distinguish between day and month as an invalid month (>12) will result in a 0 and if both are <13, the date can translate totally wrong.
- datestring = The date in string format. It can be separated by either a dash ('-') or slash ('/')
- sequence = A three number combo using 1, 2, and 3 where 1 = day, 2 = month, and 3 = year. (e.g. 231 would be MM-YYY-DD, and 321 would be YYYY-MM-YY)
static void date2StringTest(Args _args) { str dateStrYMD = '2013-01-08'; str dateStrMYD = '01-2013-08'; str dateStrMDY = '01-08-2013'; str dateStrDMY = '08-01-2013'; str dateStrYMD2y = '13-01-08'; // two digit year str dateStrYMD1m = '2013-1-08'; // 1 digit month str dateStrYMDinv = '2013-14-08'; // invalid month str dateStrYMDslsh = '2013/1/08'; // Slash instead of dash str zeroResultStr = 'INVALID and will be 0'; int i; // Note that the second parameter to the str2Date field is 3 numbers which must be a // combination using 1, 2, and 3 where 1 = day, 2 = month, and 3 = year // For example 231 would be MM-YYYY-DD, and 321 would be YYYY-MM-YY // Year Month Day test info (strFmt("----Start YMD test for %1----", dateStrYMD)); info (strFmt("1. YMD - str2Date('%1', 321) - result: %2", dateStrYMD, str2Date(dateStrYMD, 321))); info (strFmt("2. YMD - str2Date('%1', 231) - result: %2", dateStrYMD, str2Date(dateStrYMD, 231))); info (strFmt("3. YMD - str2Date('%1', 213) - result: %2", dateStrYMD, str2Date(dateStrYMD, 213))); info (strFmt("4. YMD - str2Date('%1', 123) - result: %2", dateStrYMD, str2Date(dateStrYMD, 123))); info (""); // Month Year Day test info (strFmt("----Start MYD test for %1----", dateStrMYD)); info (strFmt("5. MYD - str2Date('%1', 321) - result: %2", dateStrMYD, str2Date(dateStrMYD, 321))); info (strFmt("6. MYD - str2Date('%1', 231) - result: %2", dateStrMYD, str2Date(dateStrMYD, 231))); info (strFmt("7. MYD - str2Date('%1', 213) - result: %2", dateStrMYD, str2Date(dateStrMYD, 213))); info (strFmt("8. MYD - str2Date('%1', 123) - result: %2", dateStrMYD, str2Date(dateStrMYD, 123))); info (""); // Month Day Year test info (strFmt("----Start MDY test for %1----", dateStrMDY)); info (strFmt("9. MDY - str2Date('%1', 321) - result: %2", dateStrMDY, str2Date(dateStrMDY, 321))); info (strFmt("10. MDY - str2Date('%1', 231) - result: %2", dateStrMDY, str2Date(dateStrMDY, 231))); info (strFmt("11. MDY - str2Date('%1', 213) - result: %2", dateStrMDY, str2Date(dateStrMDY, 213))); info (strFmt("12. MDY - str2Date('%1', 123) - result: %2", dateStrMDY, str2Date(dateStrMDY, 123))); info (""); // Day Month Year test info (strFmt("----Start DMY test for %1----", dateStrDMY)); info (strFmt("13. DMY - str2Date('%1', 321) - result: %2", dateStrDMY, str2Date(dateStrDMY, 321))); info (strFmt("14. DMY - str2Date('%1', 231) - result: %2", dateStrDMY, str2Date(dateStrDMY, 231))); info (strFmt("15. DMY - str2Date('%1', 213) - result: %2", dateStrDMY, str2Date(dateStrDMY, 213))); info (strFmt("16. DMY - str2Date('%1', 123) - result: %2", dateStrDMY, str2Date(dateStrDMY, 123))); info (""); // Other scenarios info ("----START OTHER SCENARIOS----"); info (strFmt("17. YMD using %1 which only has 2 digits for the year (e.g. 13 instead of 2013) - result: %2", dateStrYMD2y, str2Date(dateStrYMD2y, 321))); // 2 digit year info (strFmt("18. YMD using %1 which only has 1 digit for the month (e.g. 1 instead of 01) - result: %2", dateStrYMD1m, str2Date(dateStrYMD1m, 321))); // 1 digit month info (strFmt("19. YMD using %1 which has an invalid numbe for the month (e.g. 14 is greater than 12) - result: %2", dateStrYMDInv, str2Date(dateStrYMDInv, 321))); // invalid month info (strFmt("20. YMD using %1 which has a slash instead of a dash (e.g. 2013/01/08 instead of 2013-01-08) - result: %2", dateStrYMDslsh, str2Date(dateStrYMDslsh, 321))); // different divider }
11. Date time 2 Date and Vice Versa:
static void Datetime2dateconversion(Args _args)
utcDateTime datetime;
date chkdate;
datetime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();
chkdate = DateTimeUtil::date(datetime);
datetime = datetoendUtcDateTime(chkdate,DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone());
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