Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Dynamics AX 2012 Data Import using X++

Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Routes.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. The structure of tables comprising core Routes data didn't change, however the data model related to resource requirements did change and was enhanced. Please note that after you import Routes you may need to perform approval and activation of Route and Route versions, this can also be done as a part of initial import.
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (RouteTable, RouteVersion, Route) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Routes. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The RouteTable table contains routes, which in turn contain information that is required to guide an item through production. Each route includes operations to perform, the sequence for the operations, resources involved in completing the operations, and standard times for the setup and run of the production.
The RouteVersion table contains versions for the routes defined in the RouteTable table. A route version connects to a route and additionally has parameters that define whether the route version is valid from a certain date or for a certain quantity. A route version needs to be approved to be used. Therefore, each route version record is started and approved by the property that is stored.
The Route table contains the operations that represent the routes. Each record contains information about an operation that belongs to a route. Each operation connects to an operation stored in the RouteOprTable table.
Data model diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromSalesTable method on SalesLine table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
One prerequisite that I’ll need for import is to assign a worker to my current AX User, this is needed because I’ll approve and activate BOM and BOM Version right after their creation

User – User relations  
Source code:
static void RouteXppImport(Args _args)
    RouteTable                  routeTable;
    RouteVersion                routeVersion;
    Route                       route;
    Route                       routePrevious;
    RouteOpr                    routeOpr;
    InventDim                   inventDim;
    RouteApprove                routeApprove;
    RouteVersionApprove         routeVersionApprove;
    RouteVersionActivate        routeVersionActivate;
    ItemId                      itemId = "D0001";
    RouteId                     routeId;
    OprNum                      oprNum;
    OprNumNext                  oprNumNext;
    RouteOprId                  oprId = "Testing";
    RouteOprId                  nextOprId;
    RouteAccErrorPct            accError;
    RouteOprPriority            oprPriority;
    RouteErrorPct               errorPct;
    SchedJobLinkType            linkType;
    JmgJobPayType               payType;
    RouteOprTimeQueueBefore     queueTimeBefore;
    RouteOprTimeSetup           setupTime;
    RouteOprTimeProcess         processTime = 1;
    RouteOprQtyProcessNumOf     processPerQty;
    RouteOprTimeTransport       transpTime;
    RouteOprTimeQueueAfter      queueTimeAfter;
    RouteOprQtyTransferBatch    transferBatch;
    RouteHourFactor             toHours;
    RouteCostCategoryIdSetup    setupCategoryId;
    RouteCostCategoryIdProcess  processCategoryId;
    RouteCostCategoryIdQty      qtyCategoryId;
    RouteOprType                routeOprType;
    PropertyId                  propertyId;
    RouteGroupId                routeGroupId = "Proc";
    RouteFormulaFactor          formulaFactor1;
    RouteFormula                formula;
    WrkCtrIdCost                wrkCtrIdCost;
    RefRecId                    activity;
    InventSiteId                siteId = "1";
    RouteId newRouteId()
        NumberSeq       numberSeq;
        numberSeq = RouteTable::numberSeq();
        return numberSeq.num();
    OprNum findMaxOprNum(RouteId _routeIdTmp)
        Route routeTmp;
        select maxof(OprNum) from routeTmp
            where routeTmp.RouteId == _routeIdTmp;
        return routeTmp.OprNum;
    routeId = newRouteId();
    routeTable.RouteId      = routeId;
    routeTable.Name         = "Alex" + routeId;
    routeTable.ItemGroupId  = InventTable::find(itemId).itemGroupId();
    //routeTable.Approved   = NoYes::Yes;
    //routeTable.Approver   = HcmWorker::userId2Worker(curUserId());
    if (routeTable.validateWrite())
        routeVersion.ItemId     = itemId;
        //routeVersion.Approved = NoYes::Yes;
        //routeVersion.Approver = HcmWorker::userId2Worker(curUserId());
        //routeVersion.Active   = NoYes::Yes;
        inventDim.InventSiteId = siteId;
        routeVersion.InventDimId = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).inventDimId;
        if (routeVersion.validateWrite())
            // update previous operation which has their next operation set to the current operation
            select firstonly forupdate routePrevious
                        index hint OperationIdx
                        order by routePrevious.OprNum desc
                        where routePrevious.RouteId     == routeId;
            route.RouteId = routeTable.RouteId;
            if (oprNum)
                route.OprNum = oprNum;
                if (route.OprNum == 0)
                    route.OprNum = findMaxOprNum(routeTable.RouteId) + 10;
            if (routePrevious.RecId != 0 && routePrevious.OprNumNext == 0)
                routePrevious.OprNumNext = route.OprNum;
            if (oprNumNext)
                route.OprNumNext = oprNumNext;
                if (nextOprId)
                    route.OprNumNext = findMaxOprNum(routeTable.RouteId) + 10;
            if (oprId)
                route.OprId = oprId;
            route.AccError              = accError;
           route.OprPriority           = oprPriority;
            route.ErrorPct              = errorPct;
            route.LinkType              = linkType;
            route.JobPayType            = payType;
            routeOpr.OprId              = oprId;
            routeOpr.QueueTimeBefore    = queueTimeBefore;
            routeOpr.SetupTime          = setupTime;
            routeOpr.ProcessTime        = processTime;
            routeOpr.ProcessPerQty      = processPerQty;
            routeOpr.TranspTime         = transpTime;
            routeOpr.QueueTimeAfter     = queueTimeAfter;
            routeOpr.TransferBatch      = transferBatch;
            routeOpr.ToHours            = toHours;
            routeOpr.SetUpCategoryId    = setupCategoryId;
            routeOpr.ProcessCategoryId  = processCategoryId;
            routeOpr.QtyCategoryId      = qtyCategoryId;
            routeOpr.RouteType          = routeOprType;
            routeOpr.PropertyId         = propertyId;
            routeOpr.RouteGroupId       = routeGroupId;
            routeOpr.FormulaFactor1     = formulaFactor1;
            routeOpr.Formula            = formula;
            routeOpr.WrkCtrIdCost       = wrkCtrIdCost;
            routeOpr.RouteCode          = RouteAll::Route;
            routeOpr.RouteRelation      = route.RouteId;
            routeOpr.ItemCode           = TableGroupAll::Table;
            routeOpr.ItemRelation       = itemId;
            routeOpr.SiteId             = siteId;
            if (route.validateWrite())
            if (routeOpr.validateWrite())
    if (routeTable)
        routeApprove = routeApprove::newRouteTable(routeTable);
    if (routeVersion)
        routeVersionApprove = BOMRouteVersionApprove::newRouteVersion(routeVersion);
        routeVersionActivate = BOMRouteVersionActivate::newRouteVersion(routeVersion);;
Please note the infolog which indicates that cost categories have not been assigned and no resource requirements have been specified. You can modify the script above to handle cost categories, in fact it would take a longer effort to accommodate for resource requirements of desired type (resource type, resource group, resource, capability, skill, course, certificate, title)
Please note that I removed approval and activation from the existing Route Version prior to importing a new one to avoid overlap (based on dates/dimensions) validation error
Route details
Please note that you can create your Route structure once and then assign to a different Route Versions (for different items) multiple times. Or you may choose to create a new Route structure for each Route Version (for particular item) depending on your business requirements
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2, R3
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Routes. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of Routes.
Author: Alex Anikiev, PhD, MCP 
Tags: Dynamics ERP, Dynamics AX 2012, X++, Xpp, Data Import, Data Conversion, Data Migration, Routes 
Note: This document is intended for information purposes only, presented as it is with no warranties from the author. This document may be updated with more content to better outline the concepts and describe the examples.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp – BOMs Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import BOMs (Bill of materials).
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. However the structure of tables comprising BOMs didn't change. Please note that after you import BOMs you may need to perform approval and activation of BOM and BOM versions, this can also be done as a part of initial import.
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (BOMTable, BOMVersion, BOM) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import BOMs. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The BOMTable table contains all of the bills of materials. A bill of materials is associated with a site and an item group. For each bill of materials, the information is stored about whether it has been approved and by whom.
The BOMVersion table contains all the BOM versions. This table connects to the BOMTable table in order to specify the BOM to which the version refers, and it connects to the InventTable table to specify to which item the BOM version is assigned. The BOMVersion table also connects to the InventDim table to specify a site for the BOM version. Additionally, the BOMVersion table stores information about the approval and activation for each BOM version.
The BOM table contains the bill of materials lines. A BOM line connects to an item to consume and a BOM version to which the line applies.
Data model diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromSalesTable method on SalesLine table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
One prerequisite that I'll need for import is to assign a worker to my current AX User, this is needed because I'll approve and activate BOM and BOM Version right after their creation
User – User relations  
Source code:
static void BOMXppImport(Args _args)
    BOMTable                bomTable;
    BOMVersion              bomVersion;
    BOM                     bom;
    InventDim               inventDim;
    BOMApprove              bomApprove;
    BOMVersionApprove       bomVersionApprove;
    BOMVersionActivate      bomVersionActivate;
    BOMId                   bomId;
    BOMEndSchedConsump      bomEndSchedConsump;
    ProdFlushingPrincipBOM  prodFlushingPrincip;
    WrkCtrConsumption       wrkCtrConsumption;
    BOMType                 bomType;
    BOMConsumpType          bomConsumpType;
    ItemId                  itemId = "D0001", bomItemId = "M0001";
    BOMQty                  bomQty = 1;
    NoYes                   calculation;
    BOMMeasureHeight        height;
    BOMMeasureWidth         width;
    BOMMeasureDepth         depth;
    BOMMeasureDensity       density;
    BOMMeasureConstant      constant;
    BOMRoundUp              bomRoundUp;
    BOMRoundUpQty           bomRoundUpQty;
    BOMPosition             position;
    OprNumBOM               oprNum;
   StartDate               fromDate = today();
    EndDate                 todate = today();
    VendAccount             vendId;
    UnitOfMeasureSymbol     unitID = "ea";
    ConfigGroupId           configGroupId;
    BOMFormula              bomFormula;
   BOMQtySerie             bomQtySerie;
    ItemBOMId               itemBOMId;
    ItemRouteId             itemRouteId;
    PBAId                   itemPBAId;
    ScrapVar                scrapVar;
    ScrapConst              scrapConst;
    InventDimId             inventDimId = InventDim::inventDimIdBlank();
    InventSiteId            siteId = "1";
    InventLocationId        warehouseId = "11";
    BOMId newBOMId()
        NumberSeq       numberSeq;
        numberSeq = BOMTable::numberSeq();
        return numberSeq.num();
    bomId = newBOMId();
    bomTable.bomId          = bomId;
    bomTable.SiteId         = siteId;
    bomTable.Name           = "Alex" + bomId;
    bomTable.ItemGroupId    = InventTable::find(itemId).itemGroupId();
    //bomTable.Approved     = NoYes::Yes;
    //bomTable.Approver     = HcmWorker::userId2Worker(curUserId());
    if (bomTable.validateWrite())
        bomVersion.ItemId       = itemId;
        //bomVersion.Approved   = NoYes::Yes;
        //bomVersion.Approver   = HcmWorker::userId2Worker(curUserId());
        //bomVersion.Active     = NoYes::Yes;
        if (bomVersion.validateWrite())
            bomVersion.insert(false);// do not check for circularity
            bom.bomId               = bomId;
            bom.LineNum             = BOM::lastLineNum(bomId) + 1;
            bom.EndSchedConsump     = bomEndSchedConsump;
            bom.ProdFlushingPrincip = prodFlushingPrincip;
            bom.WrkCtrConsumption   = wrkCtrConsumption;
            bom.bomConsump          = bomConsumpType;
            bom.bomType             = bomType;
            bom.bomQty              = bomQty;
            bom.Calculation         = NoYes::Yes;
            bom.Height              = height;
            bom.Width               = width;
            bom.Depth               = depth;
            bom.Density             = density;
            bom.Constant            = constant;
            bom.RoundUp             = bomRoundUp;
            bom.RoundUpQty          = bomRoundUpQty;
            bom.Position            = position;
            bom.OprNum              = oprNum;
            bom.FromDate            = fromDate;
            bom.ToDate              = todate;
            bom.VendId              = vendId;
            bom.UnitId              = unitID;
            bom.ConfigGroupId       = configGroupId;
            bom.Formula             = bomFormula;
            bom.bomQtySerie         = bomQtySerie;
            bom.ItemBOMId           = itemBOMId;
            bom.ItemRouteId         = itemRouteId;
            bom.ItemPBAId           = itemPBAId;
            bom.ScrapVar            = scrapVar;
            bom.ScrapConst          = scrapConst;
            inventDim.InventSiteId     = siteId;
            inventDim.InventLocationId = warehouseId;
            bom.InventDimId         = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).inventDimId;
            if (bom.validateWrite())
    if (bomTable)
        bomApprove = bomApprove::newBOMTable(bomTable);
    if (bomVersion)
        bomVersionApprove = BOMRouteVersionApprove::newBOMVersion(bomVersion);
        bomVersionActivate = BOMRouteVersionActivate::newBOMVersion(bomVersion);;
BOM line
Please note that I removed approval and activation from the existing BOM Version prior to importing a new one to avoid overlap (based on dates/dimensions) validation error
Please note that you can create your BOM structure once and then assign to a different BOM Versions (for different items) multiple times. Or you may choose to create a new BOM structure for each BOM Version (for particular item) depending on your business requirements
BOM line
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2, R3
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import BOMs. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of BOMs.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp –
Sales Orders Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Sales orders.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. However the structure of tables comprising Sales order header/lines didn't change. Please note that after you import Sales orders you may need to perform full/partial Physical and/or Financial update if required (for example, for Purchase orders already in execution).
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (SalesTable, SalesLine) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Sales orders. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The SalesTable table contains all sales order headers regardless of whether they have been posted.
The SalesLine table contains all sales order lines regardless of whether they have been posted.
The InventDim table contains values for inventory dimensions.
Data Model Diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromSalesTable method on SalesLine table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
Source code:
static void SalesOrdersXppImport(Args _args)
    SalesTable      salesTable;
    SalesLine       salesLine;
    InventDim       inventDim;
        //Order header
        salesTable.SalesId = NumberSeq::newGetNum(SalesParameters::numRefSalesId()).num();
        salesTable.DeliveryDate = str2Date(#DeliveryDate, 213);
        salesTable.CustAccount = #Customer;
        if (salesTable.validateWrite())
            //Order line
            inventDim.InventSiteId = "1";
            inventDim.InventLocationId = "12";
            salesLine.ItemId = #ItemId;
            salesLine.InventDimId = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).inventDimId;
            salesLine.SalesQty = #Qty;
            salesLine.RemainSalesPhysical = salesLine.SalesQty;
            salesLine.SalesUnit = #Unit;
            salesLine.QtyOrdered = salesLine.calcQtyOrdered();
            salesLine.RemainInventPhysical = salesLine.QtyOrdered;
            if (salesLine.validateWrite())
                throw error("Order line");
            throw error("Order header");
Please note that I assign SalesId programmatically from Number sequence
Product – Sales price

Sales order header

Sales order lines
Packing Slip
Inventory transactions
Physical Voucher
Financial Voucher
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Sales orders. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of Sales orders.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp –
Purchase Orders Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Purchase orders.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. However the structure of tables comprising Purchase order header/lines didn't change. Please note that after you import Purchase orders you may need to perform full/partial Physical and/or Financial update if required (for example, for Purchase orders already in execution).
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (PurchTable, PurchLine) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Sales orders. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The PurchTable table contains all the purchase order headers regardless of whether they have been posted.
The PurchLine table contains all purchase order lines regardless whether they have been posted or not.
The InventDim table contains values for inventory dimensions.
Data Model Diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromPurchTable method on PurchLine table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
Source code:
static void PurchaseOrdersXppImport(Args _args)
    PurchTable      purchTable;
    PurchLine       purchLine;
    InventDim       inventDim;
        //Order header
        purchTable.PurchId = NumberSeq::newGetNum(PurchParameters::numRefPurchId()).num();
        purchTable.DeliveryDate = str2Date(#DeliveryDate, 213);
        if (purchTable.validateWrite())
            //Order line
            inventDim.InventSiteId = "1";
            inventDim.InventLocationId = "12";
            purchLine.InventDimId = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).inventDimId;           
            purchLine.PurchQty = #Qty;          
            purchLine.RemainPurchPhysical = purchLine.PurchQty;
            purchLine.PurchUnit = #Unit;
            purchLine.QtyOrdered = purchLine.calcQtyOrdered();
            purchLine.RemainInventPhysical = purchLine.QtyOrdered;
            if (purchLine.validateWrite())
                throw error("Order line");
            throw error("Order header");
Please note that I assign PurchId programmatically from Number sequence
Purchase order header
Purchase order lines
Product Receipt
Vendor Invoice
Inventory transactions
Physical Voucher
Financial Voucher
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Purchase orders. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of Purchase orders.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp –
Transfer Orders Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Transfer orders.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. However the structure of tables comprising Transfer order header/lines didn't change. Please note that after you import Transfer orders you may need to perform Ship and Receive operations if required (for example, for Transfer orders already in execution).
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (InventTransferTable, InventTransferLine) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Transfer orders. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The InventTransferTable table contains information about transfer orders.
The InventTransferLine table contains information about items that are transferred from one warehouse to another by using a transfer order.
The InventDim table contains values for inventory dimensions.
Data Model Diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromInventTransferTable method on InventTransferLine table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
Source code:
static void TransferOrdersXppImport(Args _args)
    InventTransferTable     inventTransferTable;
    InventTransferLine      inventTransferLine;
    InventDim               inventDim;
        //Order header
        inventTransferTable.TransferId = InventTransferTable::numberSeq().num();
        inventTransferTable.InventLocationIdFrom = #WarehouseFrom;
        inventTransferTable.InventLocationIdTo = #WarehouseTo;       
        inventTransferTable.DlvModeId = CustVendTransportPointLine::defaultDeliveryMode(inventTransferTable.InventLocationIdFrom,'','','','',inventTransferTable.InventLocationIdTo);
        inventTransferTable.InventLocationIdTransit = InventLocation::find(inventTransferTable.InventLocationIdFrom).InventLocationIdTransit;
        inventTransferTable.ShipDate = str2Date(#ShipDate, 213);
        inventTransferTable.ReceiveDate = str2Date(#ReceiveDate, 213);
        if (inventTransferTable.validateWrite())
            //Order line
            inventDim.InventSiteId = "1";
            inventDim.InventLocationId = "12";
            inventTransferLine.ItemId = #ItemId;
            inventTransferLine.InventDimId = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim).inventDimId;
            inventTransferLine.QtyTransfer = #Qty;
            inventTransferLine.QtyRemainReceive = inventTransferLine.QtyTransfer;
            inventTransferLine.QtyRemainShip = inventTransferLine.QtyTransfer;
            inventTransferLine.ShipDate = str2Date(#ShipDate, 213);
            inventTransferLine.ReceiveDate = str2Date(#ReceiveDate, 213);
            inventTransferLine.initFromInventTransferTable(inventTransferTable, false);
            inventTransferLine.LineNum = InventTransferLine::lastLineNum(inventTransferLine.TransferId) +1.0;
            if (inventTransferLine.validateWrite())
                throw error("Order line");
            throw error("Order header");
Please note that Transit Warehouse is assigned on From Warehouse record
Transfer order header and lines
Inventory transactions
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Transfer orders. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of Transfer orders.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp –
Inventory Transactions Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Inventory transactions.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. However the structure of tables comprising Inventory journal header/lines didn't change as well as the structure of tables for inventory transactions. The proven method to import inventory transactions in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is to import the data into Inventory journals and then validate/post the journals which will generate all necessary inventory and financial transactions.
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (InventJournalTable, InventJournalTrans) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Inventory transactions. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The InventJournalTable table contains information about inventory journals.  The table holds information about how the journal is handled by the system.
The InventJournalTrans table contains information about items and represents a line in an inventory journal. Each record has information related to a specific item and is related to a record in the InventJournalTable table, which is the journal header.
The InventDim table contains values for inventory dimensions.
Data Model Diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromInventJournalTable method on InventJournalTrans table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
Source code:
static void InventoryTransactionsXppImport(Args _args)
    InventJournalTable  inventJournalTable;
    JournalTableData    journalTableData;
    InventJournalTrans  inventJournalTrans;
    JournalTransData    journalTransData;
    InventDim           inventDim;
    LineNum             lineNum;
        //Journal header
        journalTableData = JournalTableData::newTable(inventJournalTable);
        inventJournalTable.JournalId = journalTableData.nextJournalId();
        inventJournalTable.JournalType = InventJournalType::LossProfit;
        inventJournalTable.JournalNameId = journalTableData.journalStatic().standardJournalNameId(inventJournalTable.JournalType);
        inventJournalTable.Description = #Description;
        if (inventJournalTable.validateWrite())
            //Journal line
            journalTransData = journalTableData.journalStatic().newJournalTransData(inventJournalTrans, journalTableData);
            inventDim.InventSiteId = #Site;
            inventDim.InventLocationId = #Warehouse;
           inventJournalTrans.Qty = #Qty;
            inventJournalTrans.initFromInventTable(InventTable::find(#ItemId), falsefalse);
            inventJournalTrans.LineNum = lineNum;
            if (inventJournalTrans.validateWrite())
                throw error("Journal line");
            throw error("Journal header");
Please note that in this example I assign JournalId programmatically from respective Number sequence  
Inventory journal header
Inventory journal lines
Inventory transactions
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Inventory transactions. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of Inventory transactions.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp –
Customer Transactions Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Customer transactions.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. The structure of tables comprising Ledger journal header/lines and Customer transactions details didn't change, however the structure of tables for financial transactions did change significantly. The proven method to import financial transactions in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is to import the data into Ledger journals and then validate/post the journals which will generate all necessary financial transactions.
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (LedgerJournalTable, LedgerJournalTrans) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Vendor transactions. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The LedgerJournalTable table contains all the defaulting and state information pertaining to a single journal. The transaction details of a journal are managed in the LedgerJournalTrans table.
The LedgerJournalTrans table contains the transaction detail information that pertains to a single journal. The individual transaction lines are also referred to as voucher lines. The journal is a record in the LedgerJournalTable table.
Data Model Diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromLedgerJournalName method on LedgerJournalTable table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
Source code:
static void CustomerTransactionsXppImport(Args _args)
    #define.Description("Alex Journal")
    LedgerJournalName   ledgerJournalName;
    LedgerJournalTable  ledgerJournalTable;
    LedgerJournalTrans  ledgerJournalTrans;
        ledgerJournalName = LedgerJournalName::find(#Name);
        if (ledgerJournalName)
            //Journal header
            ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum = #Num;
            //ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum = NumberSeq::newGetNum(LedgerParameters::numRefJournalNum()).num();
            ledgerJournalTable.Name = #Description;
            if (ledgerJournalTable.validateWrite())
                //Journal line
                ledgerJournalTrans.JournalNum = ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum;
                ledgerJournalTrans.TransDate = systemDateGet();
                ledgerJournalTrans.Voucher = #Voucher;
                //ledgerJournalTrans.Voucher = NumberSeq::newGetVoucher(null).num();
                ledgerJournalTrans.parmAccount(#Customer, LedgerJournalACType::Cust);
                [2"BusinessUnit", #BusinessUnit, "Department", #Department]));
                //Offset Account
                ledgerJournalTrans.OffsetAccountType = LedgerJournalACType::Ledger;
                [strFmt("%1-%2-%3-%4-%5", #OffsetAccount, #BusinessUnit, #Department, #CostCenter, #ItemGroup),
                #OffsetAccount, 4"BusinessUnit", #BusinessUnit, "Department", #Department, "CostCenter", #CostCenter, "ItemGroup", #ItemGroup]));
                ledgerJournalTrans.Txt = #Text;
                ledgerJournalTrans.CurrencyCode = #Currency;
                ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurDebit = #Debit;
                ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurCredit = #Credit;
                ledgerJournalTrans.Invoice = #Invoice;
                if (ledgerJournalTrans.validateWrite())
                    throw error("Journal line");
                throw error("Journal header");
            throw error("Journal name");
Number sequence
Please note that I marked "To a lower number" and "To a higher number" checkboxes for Journal batch number Number sequence in order to be able to assign JournalNum explicitly
Ledger journal header
Ledger journal lines
Ledger journal lines – Account – Dimensions
Customer transactions
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Customer transactions. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of Customer transactions.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp –
Vendor Transactions Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Vendor transactions.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. The structure of tables comprising Ledger journal header/lines and Vendor transactions details didn't change, however the structure of tables for financial transactions did change significantly. The proven method to import financial transactions in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is to import the data into Ledger journals and then validate/post the journals which will generate all necessary financial transactions.
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (LedgerJournalTable, LedgerJournalTrans) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Vendor transactions. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The LedgerJournalTable table contains all the defaulting and state information pertaining to a single journal. The transaction details of a journal are managed in the LedgerJournalTrans table.
The LedgerJournalTrans table contains the transaction detail information that pertains to a single journal. The individual transaction lines are also referred to as voucher lines. The journal is a record in the LedgerJournalTable table.
Data Model Diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromLedgerJournalName method on LedgerJournalTable table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
Source code:
static void VendorTransactionsXppImport(Args _args)
    #define.Description("Alex Journal")
    LedgerJournalName   ledgerJournalName;
    LedgerJournalTable  ledgerJournalTable;
    LedgerJournalTrans  ledgerJournalTrans;
        ledgerJournalName = LedgerJournalName::find(#Name);
        if (ledgerJournalName)
            //Journal header
            ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum = #Num;
            //ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum = NumberSeq::newGetNum(LedgerParameters::numRefJournalNum()).num();
            ledgerJournalTable.Name = #Description;
            if (ledgerJournalTable.validateWrite())
                //Journal line
                ledgerJournalTrans.JournalNum = ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum;
                ledgerJournalTrans.TransDate = systemDateGet();
                ledgerJournalTrans.Voucher = #Voucher;
                //ledgerJournalTrans.Voucher = NumberSeq::newGetVoucher(null).num();
                ledgerJournalTrans.parmAccount(#Vendor, LedgerJournalACType::Vend);
                [4"BusinessUnit", #BusinessUnit, "Department", #Department, "CostCenter", #CostCenter,"ItemGroup", #ItemGroup]));
                //Offset Account
                ledgerJournalTrans.OffsetAccountType = LedgerJournalACType::Ledger;
                [strFmt("%1-%2-%3-%4-%5", #OffsetAccount, #BusinessUnit, #Department, #CostCenter, #ItemGroup),
                #OffsetAccount, 4"BusinessUnit", #BusinessUnit, "Department", #Department, "CostCenter", #CostCenter, "ItemGroup", #ItemGroup]));
                ledgerJournalTrans.Txt = #Text;
                ledgerJournalTrans.CurrencyCode = #Currency;
                ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurDebit = #Debit;
                ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurCredit = #Credit;
                ledgerJournalTrans.Invoice = #Invoice;
                if (ledgerJournalTrans.validateWrite())
                    throw error("Journal line");
                throw error("Journal header");
            throw error("Journal name");
Number sequence
Please note that I marked "To a lower number" and "To a higher number" checkboxes for Journal batch number Number sequence in order to be able to assign JournalNum explicitly
Ledger journal header
Ledger journal lines
Ledger journal lines – Account – Dimensions
Vendor transactions
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Vendor transactions. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of Vendor transactions.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp –
Ledger Transactions Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Ledger transactions.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. The structure of tables comprising Ledger journal header/lines didn't change, however the structure of tables for financial transactions did change significantly. The proven method to import financial transactions in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 is to import the data into Ledger journals and then validate/post the journals which will generate all necessary financial transactions.
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (LedgerJournalTable, LedgerJournalTrans) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Ledger transactions. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The LedgerJournalTable table contains all the defaulting and state information pertaining to a single journal. The transaction details of a journal are managed in the LedgerJournalTrans table.
The LedgerJournalTrans table contains the transaction detail information that pertains to a single journal. The individual transaction lines are also referred to as voucher lines. The journal is a record in the LedgerJournalTable table.
Data Model Diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromLedgerJournalName method on LedgerJournalTable table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
Source code:
static void LedgerTransactionsXppImport(Args _args)
    #define.Description("Alex Journal")
    LedgerJournalName   ledgerJournalName;
    LedgerJournalTable  ledgerJournalTable;
    LedgerJournalTrans  ledgerJournalTrans;
        ledgerJournalName = LedgerJournalName::find(#Name);
        if (ledgerJournalName)
            //Journal header
            ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum = #Num;
            //ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum = NumberSeq::newGetNum(LedgerParameters::numRefJournalNum()).num();
            ledgerJournalTable.Name = #Description;
            if (ledgerJournalTable.validateWrite())
                //Journal line
                ledgerJournalTrans.JournalNum = ledgerJournalTable.JournalNum;
                ledgerJournalTrans.TransDate = systemDateGet();
                ledgerJournalTrans.Voucher = #Voucher;
                //ledgerJournalTrans.Voucher = NumberSeq::newGetVoucher(null).num();
                ledgerJournalTrans.AccountType = LedgerJournalACType::Ledger;
                [strFmt("%1-%2-%3", #Account, #BusinessUnit, #Department),
                #Account, 2"BusinessUnit", #BusinessUnit, "Department", #Department]));
                ledgerJournalTrans.OffsetAccountType = LedgerJournalACType::Ledger;
                [strFmt("%1-%2-%3-%4-%5", #OffsetAccount, #BusinessUnit, #Department, #CostCenter, #ItemGroup),
                #OffsetAccount, 4"BusinessUnit", #BusinessUnit, "Department", #Department, "CostCenter", #CostCenter, "ItemGroup", #ItemGroup]));
                ledgerJournalTrans.Txt = #Text;
                ledgerJournalTrans.CurrencyCode = #Currency;
                ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurDebit = #Debit;
                ledgerJournalTrans.AmountCurCredit = #Credit;
                if (ledgerJournalTrans.validateWrite())
                    throw error("Journal line");
                throw error("Journal header");
            throw error("Journal name");
Number sequence
Please note that I marked "To a lower number" and "To a higher number" checkboxes for Journal batch number Number sequence in order to be able to assign JournalNum explicitly 
Ledger journal header
Ledger journal lines
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company USMF) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM, R2
Summary: In this document I explained how to write a required minimum X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Ledger transactions. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach can be very handy for POC's or in situation with always changing requirements. You can also use Microsoft Dynamics AX Excel Add-in to import relatively small amounts of data. Please consider using DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. DIXF (Data Import Export Framework) provides a standard template for import of Ledger transactions.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp – Product Masters Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Product masters and Released product variants.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. In order to create a product in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 both product definition and released product information will have to be provided. Please note that in Dynamics AX 2012 Rich Client product definition is automatically created when released product is created using decentralized approach. Also number of table records will have to be populated in order to create Product masters and Released product variants.
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (EcoResProduct, EcoResProductMaster, EcoResDistinctProductVariant, InventTable, etc) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Product masters and Released product variants. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
AssumptionThe assumption is that appropriate reference data such as item groups, etc. was created in advance.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The EcoResProduct table stores products and is the base table in the products hierarchy.
The EcoResProductMaster table stores product masters.
The EcoResProductIdentifier table contains a product identification that is available for users.
The EcoResDistinctProduct table stores products.
The EcoResDistinctProductVariant table stores product variants.
The EcoResProductDimensionGroup table contains information about a dimension group.
The EcoResStorageDimensionGroup table contains information about a storage dimension group.
The EcoResTrackingDimensionGroup table contains information about a tracking dimension group.
The EcoResProductDimensionGroupProduct table stores information about relationships between products and dimension groups.
The EcoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct table contains information about the associations between products and storage dimension groups.
The EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct table contains information about the associations between products and tracking dimension groups.
The EcoResColor table stores color names.
The EcoResSize table stores size names.
The EcoResConfiguration table stores configuration names.
The EcoResProductMasterColor table stores information about colors assigned to product masters.
The EcoResProductMasterSize table stores information about sizes that are assigned to product masters.
The EcoResProductMasterConfiguration table stores information about configurations assigned to product masters.
The EcoResProductVariantColor table stores information about the colors that are assigned to product variants.
The EcoResProductVariantSize table stores information about the sizes that are assigned to product variants.
The EcoResProductVariantConfiguration table stores information about the configurations that are assigned to product variants.
The EcoResProductMasterDimensionValue table is the base table in the product model dimension hierarchy.
The EcoResProductVariantDimensionValue table is the base table in the product variant dimension hierarchy.
The EcoResProductDimensionAttribute table contains definitions of product dimension attributes (categories).
The EcoResInstanceValue table contains the definitions of the instances of the components or products.
The EcoResProductInstanceValue table contains definitions of values for the instances of attributes of a product.
The EcoResStorageDimensionGroupItem table contains information about the associations between items and storage dimension groups.
The EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem table contains information about the associations between items and tracking dimension groups.
The InventTable table contains information about items.
The InventTableModule table contains information about purchase, sales, and inventory specific settings for items.
The InventItemLocation table contains information about items and the related warehouse and counting settings. The settings can be made specific based on the items configuration and vary from warehouse to warehouse.
The InventItemSalesSetup table contains the default settings for items, such as site and warehouse. The values are related to sales settings.
The InventItemInventSetup table contains the default settings for items, such as site and warehouse. The values are related to inventory settings.
The InventItemPurchSetup table contains the default settings for items, such as site and warehouse. The values are related to purchase settings.
The InventItemSetupSupplyType table contains information about the sourcing of items.
The InventDim table contains values for inventory dimensions.
The InventModelGroupItem table contains information about the associations between items and item model groups.
The InventItemGroupItem table contains information about the associations between items and item groups.
The InventDimCombination table contains variants of items. The variants are created as product variants that are based on product dimensions such as size, color, and configuration. These variants are replicated to the legal entity.
Data Model Diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
Red area highlights tables forming Products and Product Masters data model
Green area highlights tables forming Released Products data models
Blue area highlights tables implementing Product Dimensions data model
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromEcoResProduct method on InventTable table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
Source code:
Product masters and Released product variants
static void ProductMastersXppImport(Args _args)
    EcoResProductMaster                 ecoResProductMaster;
    EcoResProductIdentifier             ecoResProductIdentifier;
    EcoResProductDimensionGroupProduct  ecoResProductDimensionGroupProduct;
    EcoResProductMasterModelingPolicy   ecoResProductMasterModelingPolicy;
    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct  ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct;
    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct;
    EcoResConfiguration                 ecoResConfiguration;
    EcoResProductMasterConfiguration    ecoResProductMasterConfiguration;
    EcoResDistinctProductVariant        ecoResDistinctProductVariant;
    EcoResProductVariantConfiguration   ecoResProductVariantConfiguration;
    InventTable                         inventTable;
    InventTableModule                   inventTableModule;
    InventItemSetupSupplyType           inventItemSetupSupplyType;
    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupItem     ecoResStorageDimensionGroupItem;
    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem    ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem;
    InventModelGroupItem                inventModelGroupItem;
    InventItemGroupItem                 inventItemGroupItem;
    InventDim                           inventDim;
    InventDimCombination                inventDimCombination;
        ecoResProductMaster.ProductType = EcoResProductType::Item;
        ecoResProductMaster.DisplayProductNumber = "AlexMaster";
        ecoResProductMaster.SearchName = "AlexMaster";
        ecoResProductMaster.VariantConfigurationTechnology = EcoResVariantConfigurationTechnologyType::PredefinedVariants;
        if (ecoResProductMaster.validateWrite())
            ecoResProductIdentifier.ProductNumber = "AlexMaster";
            ecoResProductIdentifier.Product = ecoResProductMaster.RecId;
            //Product dimension group
            ecoResProductDimensionGroupProduct.ProductDimensionGroup = EcoResProductDimensionGroup::findByDimensionGroupName("Con-Dim").RecId;
            if (ecoResProductDimensionGroupProduct.validateWrite())
            //Storage dimension group
            ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.Product = ecoResProductMaster.RecId;
            ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.StorageDimensionGroup = EcoResStorageDimensionGroup::findByDimensionGroupName("Con-Dim").RecId;
            if (ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.validateWrite())
            //Tracking dimension group
            ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.Product = ecoResProductMaster.RecId;
            ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.TrackingDimensionGroup = EcoResTrackingDimensionGroup::findByDimensionGroupName("Con-Dim").RecId;
            if (ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.validateWrite())
            //Product modeling policy
            ecoResProductMasterModelingPolicy.ProductMaster = ecoResProductMaster.RecId;
            if (ecoResProductMasterModelingPolicy.validateWrite())
            //Product translation
            EcoResProductTranslation::createOrUpdateTranslation(ecoResProductMaster.RecId, "AlexMaster","AlexMaster");
            ecoResConfiguration = EcoResConfiguration::findByName("Alex-1");
            if (!ecoResConfiguration)
                ecoResConfiguration.Name = "Alex-1";
            //Configuration assigned to product master
            ecoResProductMasterConfiguration.Configuration = ecoResConfiguration.RecId;
            ecoResProductMasterConfiguration.Description = "Alex-1";
            ecoResProductMasterConfiguration.ConfigProductDimensionAttribute = EcoResProductDimensionAttribute::inventDimFieldId2DimensionAttributeRecId(fieldNum(InventDim, ConfigId));
            ecoResProductMasterConfiguration.ConfigProductMaster = ecoResProductMaster.RecId;
            //Product variant
            ecoResDistinctProductVariant.DisplayProductNumber = EcoResProductNumberBuilderVariant::buildFromProductNumberAndDimensions(
            ecoResDistinctProductVariant.SearchName = ecoResProductMaster.SearchName + "Alex-1"/*ConfigId*/;
            ecoResDistinctProductVariant.ProductType = ecoResProductMaster.ProductType;
            ecoResDistinctProductVariant.ProductMaster = ecoResProductMaster.RecId;
            //Product variant configuration
            ecoResProductVariantConfiguration.ProductDimensionAttribute = EcoResProductDimensionAttribute::inventDimFieldId2DimensionAttributeRecId(fieldNum(InventDim, ConfigId));
            ecoResProductVariantConfiguration.Configuration = ecoResConfiguration.RecId;
            //Product variant translation
            //Released product
            inventTable.ItemId = "AlexMaster";
            inventTable.NameAlias = "AlexMaster";
            if (inventTable.validateWrite())
                //Inventory model group
                inventModelGroupItem.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.dataAreaId;
                inventModelGroupItem.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventModelGroupItem.ModelGroupId = "FIFO";
                inventModelGroupItem.ModelGroupDataAreaId = curext();
                //Item group
                inventItemGroupItem.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.dataAreaId;
                inventItemGroupItem.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventItemGroupItem.ItemGroupId = "Parts";
                inventItemGroupItem.ItemGroupDataAreaId = curext();
                //Extended product details - Inventory
                inventTableModule.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventTableModule.ModuleType = ModuleInventPurchSales::Invent;
                //Extended product details - Purchase
                inventTableModule.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventTableModule.ModuleType = ModuleInventPurchSales::Purch;
                //Extended product details - Sales
                inventTableModule.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventTableModule.ModuleType = ModuleInventPurchSales::Sales;
                //Warehouse items
                //Supply type setup
                inventItemSetupSupplyType.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventItemSetupSupplyType.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.DataAreaId;
                //Product storage dimension group
                ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct = EcoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct::findByProduct(ecoResProductMaster.RecId);
                if (ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.RecId)
                    ecoResStorageDimensionGroupItem.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.DataAreaId;
                    ecoResStorageDimensionGroupItem.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                    ecoResStorageDimensionGroupItem.StorageDimensionGroup   = ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.StorageDimensionGroup;
                //Product tracking dimension group
                ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct = EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct::findByProduct(ecoResProductMaster.RecId);
                if (ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.RecId)
                    ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.DataAreaId;
                    ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                    ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem.TrackingDimensionGroup = ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.TrackingDimensionGroup;
            inventDim.ConfigId = "Alex-1";/*ConfigId*/
            inventDim = InventDim::findOrCreate(inventDim);
            //Released product variant
            inventDimCombination.DistinctProductVariant = ecoResDistinctProductVariant.RecId;
            inventDimCombination.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
            inventDimCombination.InventDimId = inventDim.InventDimId;
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Product master
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Product variant
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Released product
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Released product variant
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company CEU) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM
Summary: In this document I explained how to write X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Product masters and Released products variants. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach allows getting better performance during the import comparing to usage of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Excel Add-in. Also this approach is more flexible for extending in the case of not yet fully defined or changing business requirements. Please consider using Data Import/Export Framework (former DMF, Data Migration Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. Data Import/Export Framework provides a standard template for import of Product Masters.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Xpp – Products Import
Purpose: The purpose of this document is to illustrate how to write X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Products and Released products.
Challenge: Data model changes in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 related to high normalization and introduction of surrogate keys made some imports more complex. In order to create a product in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 both product definition and released product information will have to be provided. Please note that in Dynamics AX 2012 Rich Client product definition is automatically created when released product is created using decentralized approach.
Solution: Appropriate tables buffers (EcoResProduct, EcoResDistinctProduct, InventTable, etc) will be used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Products and Released products. Alternatively AxBC classes may be used instead of table buffers.
AssumptionThe assumption is that appropriate reference data such as item groups, etc. was created in advance.
Data Model:
Table Name
Table Description
The EcoResProduct table stores products and is the base table in the products hierarchy.
The EcoResProductIdentifier table contains a product identification that is available for users.
The EcoResDistinctProduct table stores products.
The EcoResStorageDimensionGroup table contains information about a storage dimension group.
The EcoResTrackingDimensionGroup table contains information about a tracking dimension group.
The EcoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct table contains information about the associations between products and storage dimension groups.
The EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct table contains information about the associations between products and tracking dimension groups.
The EcoResStorageDimensionGroupItem table contains information about the associations between items and storage dimension groups.
The EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem table contains information about the associations between items and tracking dimension groups.
The InventTable table contains information about items.
The InventTableModule table contains information about purchase, sales, and inventory specific settings for items.
The InventItemLocation table contains information about items and the related warehouse and counting settings. The settings can be made specific based on the items configuration and vary from warehouse to warehouse.
The InventItemSalesSetup table contains the default settings for items, such as site and warehouse. The values are related to sales settings.
The InventItemInventSetup table contains the default settings for items, such as site and warehouse. The values are related to inventory settings.
The InventItemPurchSetup table contains the default settings for items, such as site and warehouse. The values are related to purchase settings.
The InventItemSetupSupplyType table contains information about the sourcing of items.
The InventModelGroupItem table contains information about the associations between items and item model groups.
The InventItemGroupItem table contains information about the associations between items and item groups.
The InventDim table contains values for inventory dimensions.
Data Model Diagram:
<![if !vml]><![endif]>
Red area highlights tables forming Products and Product Masters data model
Green area highlights tables forming Released Products data models
Blue area highlights tables implementing Product Dimensions data model
ttsBegin: Use ttsBegin to start a transaction.
clear: The clear method clears the contents of the record.
initValue: The initValue method initializes the fields of the record.
initFrom*: The initFrom* methods usually populate the fields of the child record based on the fields on the parent record. Example is initFromEcoResProduct method on InventTable table.
validateWrite: The validateWrite method checks whether the record can be written.
write: The write method writes the record to the database.
insert: The insert method inserts the record into the database.
doInsert: The doInsert method inserts the record into the database. Calling doInsert ensures that any X++ code written in the insert method of the record is not executed. Calling insert always executes the X++ code written in the insertmethod of the record.
ttsCommit: Use ttsCommit to commit a transaction.
Source code:
Products and Released products
static void ProductsXppImport(Args _args)
    EcoResDistinctProduct               ecoResDistinctProduct;
    EcoResProductIdentifier             ecoResProductIdentifier;
    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct  ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct;
    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct;
    InventTable                         inventTable;
    InventTableModule                   inventTableModule;
    InventItemSetupSupplyType           inventItemSetupSupplyType;
    EcoResStorageDimensionGroupItem     ecoResStorageDimensionGroupItem;
    EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem    ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem;
    InventModelGroupItem                inventModelGroupItem;
    InventItemGroupItem                 inventItemGroupItem;
        ecoResDistinctProduct.ProductType = EcoResProductType::Item;
        ecoResDistinctProduct.DisplayProductNumber = "Alex";
        ecoResDistinctProduct.SearchName = "Alex";
        if (ecoResDistinctProduct.validateWrite())
            ecoResProductIdentifier.ProductNumber = "Alex";
            ecoResProductIdentifier.Product = ecoResDistinctProduct.RecId;
            //Storage dimension group
            ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.Product = ecoResDistinctProduct.RecId;
            ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.StorageDimensionGroup = EcoResStorageDimensionGroup::findByDimensionGroupName("Con-Dim").RecId;
            if (ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.validateWrite())
            //Tracking dimension group
            ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.Product = ecoResDistinctProduct.RecId;
            ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.TrackingDimensionGroup = EcoResTrackingDimensionGroup::findByDimensionGroupName("Con-Dim").RecId;
            if (ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.validateWrite())
            EcoResProductTranslation::createOrUpdateTranslation(ecoResDistinctProduct.RecId, "Alex""Alex");
            //Released product
            inventTable.ItemId = "Alex";
            inventTable.NameAlias = "Alex";
            if (inventTable.validateWrite())
                //Inventory model group
                inventModelGroupItem.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.dataAreaId;
                inventModelGroupItem.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventModelGroupItem.ModelGroupId = "FIFO";
                inventModelGroupItem.ModelGroupDataAreaId = curext();
                //Item group
                inventItemGroupItem.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.dataAreaId;
                inventItemGroupItem.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventItemGroupItem.ItemGroupId = "Parts";
                inventItemGroupItem.ItemGroupDataAreaId = curext();
                //Extended product details - Inventory
                inventTableModule.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventTableModule.ModuleType = ModuleInventPurchSales::Invent;
                //Extended product details - Purchase
                inventTableModule.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventTableModule.ModuleType = ModuleInventPurchSales::Purch;
                //Extended product details - Sales
                inventTableModule.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventTableModule.ModuleType = ModuleInventPurchSales::Sales;
                //Warehouse items
                //Supply type setup
                inventItemSetupSupplyType.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                inventItemSetupSupplyType.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.DataAreaId;
                //Product storage dimension group
                ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct = EcoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct::findByProduct(ecoResDistinctProduct.RecId);
                if (ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.RecId)
                    ecoResStorageDimensionGroupItem.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.DataAreaId;
                    ecoResStorageDimensionGroupItem.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                    ecoResStorageDimensionGroupItem.StorageDimensionGroup   = ecoResStorageDimensionGroupProduct.StorageDimensionGroup;
                //Product tracking dimension group
                ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct = EcoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct::findByProduct(ecoResDistinctProduct.RecId);
                if (ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.RecId)
                    ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem.ItemDataAreaId = inventTable.DataAreaId;
                    ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem.ItemId = inventTable.ItemId;
                    ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupItem.TrackingDimensionGroup = ecoResTrackingDimensionGroupProduct.TrackingDimensionGroup;
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Product
Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 – Released product
Note: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Demo Data (Company CEU) was used for this example
Version: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 RTM
Summary: In this document I explained how to write X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 in order to import Products and Released products. Appropriate table buffers were used when writing X++ code in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. This approach allows getting better performance during the import comparing to usage of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Excel Add-in. Also this approach is more flexible for extending in the case of not yet fully defined or changing business requirements. Please consider using Data Import/Export Framework (former DMF, Data Migration Framework) for import of significant amounts of data when performance is an important consideration. Data Import/Export Framework provides a standard template for import of Products.