We need two different currency format in our SSRSreport depending of the language of the report :
In English the format should be  99,999.99$ and in French it should be 99 999,99$ (with a comma separating the decimal).
Now,  in my  SSRS report, in the text box properties I have put

the following formula in the custom format of the number :  = iif(Fields!Language.Value = "en-ca", "##,##0.00", "## ##0,00")
It works well in English but in French the format doesn’t work, the comma and the decimals are not showing.
So does anyone knows what is the correct format to replace the dot by a comma as a decimal separator.

 6. New Line in SSRS Text Box

Add New Line in SSRS Text box

Expression used in SSRS reports

=Fields!AddressLine1 + VBCRLF + Fields!AddressLine2 + VBCRLF + Fields!AddressLine3 


Note: If VBCRLF is used first or last part the expression, it has no impact on result. If you want a line in the first or last, then use one more extra VBCRLF.